
The main objective of the Hursley Golf Society (formerly the IBM Hursley Golf Society) can be found in the constitution of the society.

To this end the committee arranges events at courses throughout the area on a regular basis from April to October. These events are arranged so that golfers of mixed abilities can enjoy the game of golf at subsidised prices and at differing venues. The trophies we play for are listed here.

The Committee endeavours to provide competitions to suit all levels of golfing ability, ranging from scratch competitions to the Rabbits Shield and Knockout.

Obviously not all courses will be suitable for all golfers. The organisers will always make it clear if a course is unlikely to be enjoyed by high handicappers. We use the WHS handicap maximum of 54 for our events unless the club we are playing at dictates a lower handicap limit.

Details of this year’s events, their courses and formats, can be found here.

Each year we appoint a vice-captain who (with help) organises the next year’s events. The following year the vice-captain is made Captain. Here is a list of previous captains of the society.